Welcome to the LCZ Generator!

Fast and easy Local Climate Zone mapping

Getting started:

  1. Read Demuzere et al. (2021) it serves as the primary user guide
  2. Download the Training Area Template kml file
  3. Create your Training Areas following the guidelines
  4. Once finished, use the submission form to submit your file.
  5. Fill out the fields in the submission form; fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
    Show detailed information
    • Fill out the first section containing your personal information
    • Select the continent and country of your Training Areas and fill out the city name
    • Select the kml Training Area file for upload
    • Select the date for which the Training Areas are representative / the aerial image was taken which was used for digitizing.
    • You may also provide a DOI or similar reference if the Training Area dataset is published in a (peer-reviewed) paper
    • You may add co-authors or other relevant information to the remarks field
    • Finally you can decide whether your name should be displayed in the results, including a suggestion how to cite your Training Area dataset. Otherwise it is left blank.
  6. Submit the form. If you see a green box appear on the top of the page after clicking the submit button, your submission was successful and will be processed. If a red box appears, there was a problem with your Training Area file. Check out the FAQ for more information.
  7. You will be notified via email once the processing has finished. Depending on the current load of the system it should take ~20 minutes.
  8. After you received the email, your submission is also available in the submission table.

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